
Your wildest dreams lie within. Let’s Let them out.

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Balance In Flow: An Invitation to Spiritual Unfolding

Unfold Your inner World.
Connect to Universal Belonging.

Balance in Flow is a book about spirituality for those looking to understand spirituality as a part of their concrete day to day life. So many people in my generation have decided not to engage with or discuss their spirituality because of disagreements with the top-down dogma of religion or thinking that spirituality is reserved for the hippies at music festivals, pious monks and woo-woo aunties. Put simply, being a spiritual person is being a person on a journey to better understand their belonging in the universe by aligning their actions and relationships with their purpose. In other words, everyone, at their core, is a spiritual person. A book like this merely invites you to consider ancient wisdom and universal perspectives along your spiritual journey.


Creating a Practice that works for you

Through my personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve full body wellness—often combining the practices of yoga asana & nidra, meditation, nutrition, and more.

Upcoming Events

Arm-balance Workshop
With Skye Atwood

10:00Am-11:30AM SatuRday May 11, 2024

Join us for an afternoon of geeking out on the nitty-gritty details of balancing on your hands. We’ll show you strength and coordination drills, options for getting support from a partner or props, and address common misunderstandings about common arm balances. This 90-minute workshop is open to all levels, whether you’re looking to get into crow pose for the first time or want to learn how to transition between arm balances without touching your feet down! Our process will be one of cultivating anatomical awareness of how to align the body to most easily catch balance, learning to lean into challenge mindfully instead of taking reckless leaps of faith, and practicing non-attachment to the results. This is an excellent opportunity to ask your questions about these tricky poses and see how different body types approach these poses.

This workshop will focus on chaturanga-based poses such as Crow (Bakasana) variations, Hurdlers (Eka Pada Koundinyasana II), Tripod Headstand (Sirsasana B), Astavakrasana (8-Angle), and more!

Healing At Home Downloads

Yoga NidRA SEries: tuning IntO yOur Energy Centers

Rest Deeply. Listen.

Yoga Nidra is an ancient form of lying-down meditation where one puts the body to sleep while keeping the mind awake, giving the conscious mind an opportunity to tour the subconscious world within. This series includes a 30-minute guided Yoga Nidra practice for each of your seven energy centers or chakras. This series cultivates a sense of grounding, flow, power, compassion, confidence, clarity, and belonging.

WORK with Jake

1:1 Coaching

Work with Jake on personalized set of physical, mental and spiritual practices tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

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Public In-Studio Classes

Come move some energy, share some space and expand your experience with Jake’s in-person classes in Portland, OR (schedule below).

Private Events

Customized team events, private retreats, yoga workshops, and more.

Reach out to learn more!